Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Buckle Up It's Going To Be A Wild Ride

It's shocking to me, that many high school students can not write script. I repeat they can not, they do not know how to write script!

Their signature are scribbles. Technology is wonderful. It is a great tool, but alas we've allowed our students to use technology to their determent. We no longer teach the basics.

Isn't time we get back to the basics. Students should learn/relearn how to write in script. It is important.

I'm sure most of us can remember taking penmanship in school. First tracing the letters than writing them ourselves. You started with pencil and moved on to a pen. Does anyone remember cartridge pens. It was a milestone when  you graduated to a cartridge pen. How many of us how ink all over our hands from filling the cartridge tank and smearing our letters. Finally they came out with the ink in a cartridge so you no longer needed to fill your pen. This was a learning experience. It was fun! Guess what we all learned our letters, we all knew how to write script. You could read our names clearly.

How could we as a society taken this simple skill from our students. Yes technology is great and it certainly helps our students learn, but we must not forgot the simple basics. With out the basics which is our foundation we're building a house of cards. How long before the collapse begins!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wasting tax payer money?

I went out for diner last night and the conversation turned to budget cuts in our public schools. Our district had taken a heavy hit within the last year we lost almost all if not all of our state aide. We ponder why it appears our BOE (board of ed) and superintendent are spending money are silly lawsuits instead of putting that money into the schools. During the conversation about our schools, I was saying that it is amazing how school staff members want to take the credit for a student who gets into a Harvard, Brown, Yale, etc.. That somehow the school believes they made that student, rather than realizing this student worked hard, took the advance courses etc.

We hardly hear about the work ethic of the students, rather we hear how our schools make these students. Sorry but it is the students that make the schools. Again this is only in my district. Wouldn't it be nice to see that our schools actually care about the students all students. Wouldn't it be nice to see tax payer monies going into our schools, and school programs. This seems much better to me. But, no it is sometimes spent on re-naming school buildings after staff members, security panels outside bathrooms, teacher conference's and lawsuits that have already been lost but lets appeal.

Lets start putting the money where it belongs, to the children.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Doogie Howser

Do you remember the TV Show Doogie Howser? I often wonder for children who are so gifted what challenges must lay before them? How difficult is it for our public schools to educate these children? What programs, or specialized schools do we have for these children?

You could understand how a "normal classroom"  could be a challenge for these students. How do you keep these student intertested in the subject matter how do you give them a different work load?

These children are still children, they go through the same growing pains as all children. Some start at a local college at a young age. This can't be easy. Who helps these families out financially? Does our educational system have resources to help pay for these children's schooling?

I know that our public school has programs for the "gifted and talented" but what about those children who are beyond that program?

I don't have the answers, nor do I know anyone with a child that is indeed this special. I can only imagine the hurdles that these families must jump through to help their children. I can only image the financial burden this brings to a family. How do we help these children and their families?

Do you know someone like this? Do you know what extra programs our school systems have for these children. If so please share your story.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Semester 1 is almost over

I just recently started blogging hoping to get some support and stat's about our public schools. Semester 1 is almost over. I am hoping that by semester 2 I will have some information. Again we have great teachers, successful stories, but we also have troubles. I am looking for information on the good, the bad and the ugly. If we don't hear all stories we wont get the right ingredients to repair our schools.

I firmly believe that we the public can and will get the public schools back on track. Come on some one start reading this blog and give some input.

Thank you

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Sorry for the repetition, please read, enjoy, and help all of us help our children and the future of our children

Who changed Great Grandma’s recipe?
Please put these ingredients back in:
Add a dash of respect, compassion and morality

What is it that our educational system can do to help all students learn?

Do we as a society concentrate more on the “gifted and talented” child?

Do we as a society care more about the top athletes than academics?

Are honor students more welcomed in the high school?

Have we completely tossed aside the students who get C’s and D’s?

Do we just push students through the system rather than attempt to truly educate them?

Do we look for ways to get rid of the “problem students”?

Why are kids dropping out of school?

Is there any way to answer these questions? Is there an ingredient missing? What is it that we as a society missed? What recipe needs to be updated?

Had anyone ever told me that as an adult I would find helping and getting my children educated would be not only a daunting task, but the most frustrating experience in my life I would have laughed.

I was not a great student, I was average.  I don’t remember a time where there was not help offered. Some times the help came from the very teachers that you couldn’t stand; you know the ones that didn’t get you, the ones who told you to work harder, the one that you couldn’t wait to not have to see again. Yet these very same teachers actually cared about your education. It seemed like everyone cared about your education and you didn’t want to disappoint those people.

Do you remember the days when if you participated in sports you actually had to maintain a certain grade point average? It gave you that extra push you needed to stay on task and get you work done; it made you ask for extra help. You even approached the “smart kids” for help. You found out that the “smart kids” were like you and they were happy to help you. Reminisce with me for a moment. Or as our youth says today “remember back in the day”. An incident happens in the classroom the teacher asks who was the culprit, no one answers. You know what going to happen yet you are unwilling to speak up, or you want to support the culprit. The whole class gets punished. That’s right we all got punished we didn’t turn on one another we all stuck together. Hardly anyone was sent to the principal. If they were sent to the principal’s office you were nervous for them. You certainly knew that that kids parents were getting a phone call. You didn’t tell your parents what happened for fear of getting in trouble all over again. You respected your teachers and yes they respected you. Some how this simply concept was lost. RESPECT just doesn’t have the same meaning today. Respect and showing respect also meant caring, helping and doing what was right. Yes we as a society have slowly chipped away at respect. Do you recall when you were young? Your teachers didn’t have first names. They were referred to a Mr. Mrs. or Miss. Your parents called your teacher’s by Mr. Mrs. or Miss. Today principals and teachers will tell the parents to call them by there first names. This is where the first crack/chip appeared in “respect” within our schools. Had we kept those simple manners of respect when addressing our teachers, principals and office staff, perhaps students would still understand the respect given for the job of teaching. Perhaps if the Principals and Teacher’s kept this respect and didn’t make the classroom a more relax atmosphere we’d still have the respect.

There are programs in the public schools to help students. There are peer study groups. Many a teacher will have after school help certain days and times of the week. Yet many students (the talented and gifted to the unruly) are failing, dropping out of school, and basically getting lost in the “Separate and secret society of the school”. Where are the students to go, who do they turn to for help?

It appears that many schools have their own rules, regulations and standards. Upper management believes that they own and run the schools. What they say “RULES”. They will sweep many important issues under the rug, they will hide inefficient teachers, and they pick and choose which state laws they will follow. Yet all the while presenting that because of their hard work, dedication and caring our schools are the tops. You believe that your principal cares for the students. You believe that any concerns you have will be addressed and a solution will be had. You believe that your principal, superintendent are following all state guidelines, you believe that indeed schools today want parent participation and input. You have faith in your school leaders. If you are lucky enough to never have had a problem/issue with your child with school, a teacher, a coach, or another student then you never knew or have never experienced the “Separate and secret society of the school”.

If you have had the unfortunate situation of having an “unruly child” a “child with a learning disability”, a “gifted athlete” who the coach has thrown under the bus”, a “child who doesn’t like school”, or a child “who is bullied” or the “bully”, a “gay” child or a child who is just “different” than you know of the “Separate and secret society of the school”. You know the feeling of reaching out asking for help and guidance and believing that your Principal, staff members, and superintendent are all working together to help you and your child solve any issues.

You leave that meeting with hope and joy. Hope that any and all suffering that your child has experienced is over, Joy that finally you see the light at the end of the tunnel, your child will be heard, they will be getting help and indeed your school is one of the best schools. After all your school has resources, your school has been rated near the top if not at the top. You’ve sacrificed, and worked hard so that your children would be able to attend a good school. You’ve done the “PTA thing”, you’ve volunteered at the school, you’ve worked the snack stand, you’ve done the fund raisers, you’ve chaperoned school functions.

You get home and within a day sometimes a week you realize you’ve been “had”, you’ve been made a fool of. You’ve been lied to. Nothing you said in any meetings has been documented. You said that you wanted to make a complaint; you said you wanted the situation looked into etc etc etc. The school neglected to tell you that you can talk to you are blue in the face, they never gave you the paperwork you needed to actually have a proper complaint filed. Besides it wouldn’t look good for the school to have complaints in teacher’s files. No of course that’s not what the school says, but believe me that’s what happens.

I have some many examples of outright lying, or misleading conceptions that at times it leaves me speechless. Imagine yourself as Charlie Brown and when the teacher starts to talk all you hear is noise (wha, wha, wha). That is how a school system treats parents who want answers, or have issues.

Imagine having a sweet child who starts school and you realize that he/she has an issue with learning. Imagine having a young child who has a hard nose teacher who has had children actually wet their pants because they were afraid to ask to go to the bathroom, imagine the children in that classroom, picture there faces when they see a child who misbehaved (talked or didn’t sit still) being told to sit on the floor, better yet imagine your child in a classroom at the age of 7 hearing a teacher telling another student that “there mommy can’t help them”. Sound outrageous? How could this happen? Isn’t anyone going to stop this abuse? Now you speak with the principal, you tell them what is happening, and they tell you that the teacher is young, the teacher was at that time suffering from migraines. Yep, that was the excuse given many years ago, did I give up no, I sent a letter to the superintendent, and I even got a meeting. He listened, he seemed to care, yet this teacher did not have tenure and indeed she was re-hired. The simple facts of over the top “meanness” meant nothing. This alone should have made me realize that there was a “Separate secret society” for all school members.

This incident alone should have made me stop and think and realize that you don’t make waves that the “Separate secret society” will almost always tell you the teacher’s are innocent. Unfortunately this didn’t stop me; I happen to be one of those fools who believe if you see someone being mistreated you should speak up.

Here is an example that really blew my mind. I went to pick up my son from a basketball game in middle school. When I got there he shared that two students had had there bicycles stolen. I saw the police spoke with them and offered to drive the boy’s home. When the boys got into my car they told me how they had gone to the Vice Principal and told him what happened, they were not allowed to use the cell phones, nor were they allowed to dial 911; the Vice principal handed them a phone book and told them to look up the police department number. He wouldn’t help them; he wouldn’t even stand outside for the 5 – 10 minutes it would take for the police to come to the school with the students. Naturally, I told the kids to wait in the car; I marched into the school found the Vice Principal and literally went off on him. I composed myself and then said that these students needed his help and guidance and could not believe that he had such little compassion in him for his students. I said do you believe that students would come to you with any problems. I then told him that I didn’t even know who these boys were, that I stopped and spoke with the police, that I was making sure they were going to get home safely. His response there was a basketball game going on and he needed to be inside the building, I asked why not send another staff member out to stay with the student. No response. I swear that’s the closest I’ve ever come to knocking someone down. I was spitting angry and it didn’t involve my child.

This is a good example of our school system: Your child is doing okay in school B’s and C’s then they take midterms. Your child fails those midterms so low that you scratch your head trying to figure out how they could get such a poor grade yet have done well during the semester. You suggest that perhaps your child needs to be tested again, that’s something just isn’t right. You get the testing done. The results are just awful you just want to put your head down and cry, you want to grab your child and run from the school. The school that you’ve trusted, the school that you thought not only was educating your child but that they had your child’s best interest at heart. WRONG!   Your school just wanted to push your child through, they could care less, not only could they care less, they have no suggestions as to how to remedy this situation, how to get your child educated, and there only suggestion is “well most student today go to college for 5 years”. “Your child can go to community college and then transfer to a “regular 4 year college”. The school fails to mention that your child will be taking courses at the community college (actually any college) in remedial courses. You’ll pay for those courses but they are not transferable nor are any credit given for these course. See maybe perhaps the college can educate the students where the public school has failed to. It’s funny to see how the high school cares little. So now because the public school has failed so many students, we can try and get the community colleges to get our students educated enough so that they can transfer “into a regular 4 year program”. The high school doesn’t tell you that because of these remedial courses your child will need to go to community college for 3 years, then transfer and go to school for probably 3 more years. I don’t know about you, but aren’t you proud of the public education system? JOY JOY JOY!

How about if a child is struggling in school, we reach out and help, do we have programs that could help students, and do we have career choices, how about job placement programs for students that don’t want to go to college. It is up to the parents to make sure college applications are done. You even have to supply the stamps and envelopes for letters of recommendation and all paperwork from the school. It warms my heart so to know that with the amount of taxes I pay for my town, and out of my pay check, my school district can’t afford stamps.

What about the honor roll student who’s grades start to drop, or the student who is growing thinner everyday? Why does it appear that these cases aren’t addressed quickly? Why does it appear that it hands off attitude when it should be a hands on. Does this happen everyday no but one child not getting the proper attention is one child too many.

It is truly amazing the amount of hoops you must jump through to try and get someone in a public school district to listen to you. The district that my children have attended even went so far as to say that they felt that parents today aren’t parenting correctly. They put fourth a policy that would punish children for infractions such as drinking, fights, drugs, stealing etc. out of school. Example the football team/ chess club/ any kid have a party and there is alcohol at this party. The police have been called to this house they see the alcohol and arrest all of the kids. Then these kids would be reported to the school for this infraction. They would have to appear before a board of review and at that time they may receive 1 suspension or 3 suspensions. This had nothing to do with a school event, yet they can be suspended from extra curricular activity not from school. Now underage drinking is wrong, but isn’t this when we would want to get kids more involved in the school and school activities so that they might stay away from this activity? This was in effect for about a year and now the Supreme Court ruled against the district. Not surprising our school district is appealing. They couldn’t have been wrong, lets just spend more money proving ourselves right. Let’s not put that money into the schools where the students would benefit. Let’s not put the money into programs that would reach students that might need more guidance. No, please spend the money on appealing a court decision so that the school and the board of education can feel better about themselves.

I ask myself why I am writing these thoughts, why do I seem like I am just going on and on and on. Well because something needs no something must be done to help the youth of America. We have pushed aside the children. I can’t tell you how many children started out in recreation programs playing sports and being happy. Some of these children were very talented. Yet by the time they get to high school they no longer play the sports. Why, perhaps because coaches have taken the joy out of the game, is it because our high school coaches think that they “own” the students and they will berate these athletes into submission? Now I know there are still many students that play sports, but it just seems like a smaller amount today than years ago. Years ago many students played multiple sports not so today. That is frowned upon; coaches don’t like their players playing other sports. They want the athletes to train all year just on that one sport. Then it is surprising when the athlete no longer wants to participate or that the athletes today have so many more injuries than years ago. Remember the days when your muscles ached, you rubbed the Ben Gay on and hoped for the best. You didn’t have personal trainers helping you. No today the top athletes need to train harder, do physical therapy because of over use of muscles, and better yet the parents need to pay for private training. This all in hopes that the scholarships will be there. Yes some lucky few get those scholarships, unfortunately this is not the norm. But my most favorite part of all of this, the school, the coaches, and the trainers are all proud of themselves because they believe that they made the athlete not that that athlete was talented, no it is because of them. They say parents sometimes live through their children why not open our eyes and realize that many coaches live through their athletes. Coaches will demand county championships, state championships, but will they sit with the athletes and help them with math, science, reading, some will most won’t. It is sad but many coaches don’t care about the athletes grades as much as they care about winning. If our schools cared about the students as athletes they would make sure they can make the grades. They would let a student be late or perhaps miss practice to bring up grades. Does this happen often, I think not. I hope I am wrong, but, alas I’ve heard too many stories over the years to know that the students get lost.

Schools today even take credit for the “talent and gifted students”, like they made those children smart! It can’t be that these children are bright on their own. The programs they have are needed for these children, so they can expand their minds. But these children are gifted; they are not gifted because the school made them that way. They are gifted because God gave them that gift. Yes teacher have helped shape some of these students, but these students didn’t get into a top college because of the school, they got in because of their hard work and studies.

I happened to be one of those parents who if the school called, I would listen and admit when my child was wrong, I would speak with my children and tell them that there behavior was unacceptable (be it missing assignments, acting up in class, rude, wearing hats etc) but when a situation arises where your child is innocent or perhaps has been wronged by the school, the school doesn’t want to listen.

It is understandable to back a staff member, but since we are all human sometimes staff members make mistakes. Just as we all can have bad days, be in bad moods, get angry for no reason so can teachers. Yet teachers it appears never have to apologize for this “bad day”. In the work force those of us that don’t work in a school system, there is a check and balance system. If a customer calls with a complaint you not only listen, you then do research, you speak with your employee, you speak with other employee’s and try to find out exactly what happened. Sometimes you find that the employee did indeed do everything right and the customer was wrong, other times you find that the employee over stepped the line, and they are written up. It is put in their file and that paper work is there for the time you go for your review. At times you find that the employee has had more than one complaint and you see a pattern, again you speak with the employee, you educate them on policy and then you let them know that their behavior will not be accepted again. If said employee has another incident they are let go from that job. Occasionally they made be demoted or moved to another position within a company, but most times they lose there jobs. In our public school education system, it appears that once a teacher is tenured they can be moved to another district if they have been written up, or upper management speaks with them, and the teacher continues teaching. Little concern is given to what damage has been done to the students. Let’s make sure that the teacher keeps his/her job. There are always exceptions to this rule, but again when parents in every district can tell you some type of horror story about a teacher or principal it gives credence to the “Separate and Secret society of schools”. This “Separate and Secret society of schools” has ruined it for all of the many good decent teacher who try, who care and embrace the students all students.

I know that I sound bitter, or resentful. I don’t believe that to be true, I want all of the above to change. I want all of the children to be allowed to be children. I don’t want when children start middle school, they hear that they must grow up they’ll be going on to high school. I don’t want children in sixth grade to be taking practice test for the “GEPA’S” in 8th grade. No, I want our children to enjoy school and enjoy being 11 – 14 years old. They aren’t young adults, they are children. I want the children to see their schools as a safe haven. I want them to respect their teachers and principals, I want the children to know that the teachers and principals and all school employees, want only the best for them. I want for children to enjoy being a child; there is plenty of time for them to grow up. I want for children when they start high school to want to join every club. I want them to go out for sports, and know that they may not make the team but there is a sport for them. I want for the children to want to go to school. I want them to know if they are having difficulty in a course they can go to the teacher, principal, and guidance anyone and that they will be listened too. I want the children to know that just because the teacher is hard on them it isn’t because they don’t like you. It is because that teacher see’s your potential and will push you and work with you till you see your true potential. I want for high school students to enjoy gym, art and other electives. I want that those course would be fun. That it would be a pass/fail not how will you draw or can’t draw, but that you want to take art because you like to draw. I want for high school student to take electives because it will take the edge off of the difficult classes. I want that seniors in high school want to buddy with a freshman and show them the ropes. I want for the graduating seniors to look forward to the future and enjoy be coming young adults. No, they are not mature adults, they are young adults who still need guidance they are our future.

Am I unrealistic, am I crazy, I think not. Remember a time when children were more carefree, remember when we let kids be kids. Maybe that is the ingredient missing from the recipe. It appears that today we start pushing children in pre-school; we as a society don’t want the kids that aren’t going to bring accolades to our schools, whether it is in advance placement or star athletes. As a society we push all of the other kids aside, like they don’t matter, and then we wonder why the kids in society seem lost and unhappy. Perhaps it’s because we threw the baby out with the bath water. Ask yourself what we would do as a society without mechanics, carpenters, electricians, short order cooks, truck drivers, dog walkers, grocery clerks, etc. We wouldn’t have much of a society. Yet students that may have this interest are tossed aside. Why not revert back to a society where we respected all walks in life. Where we thanked the bus driver for taking our children to school and getting them there safely. When we respected Doctors, lawyers, and Indian Chiefs. When teachers taught because they wanted to make a difference in someone’s life. Remember when you respected your neighbor; remember when you watched what you were doing because you knew your parents had eyes in the back of their head. Remember when a neighbor would and could discipline you for bad behavior.

I write this information because I pray for the pendulum to start swinging the other way. I have high expectation of others, I have trust but most importantly I believe that change can happen. I believe that we can take back the public school system. We can dismantle the “Separate, secret society of the school”. We can stand up and say, NO! YOU ARE NOT THROWING THAT CHILD AWAY. THAT CHILD MAY BE OUR NEXT LEADER! Remember we all don’t learn or act the same way. Remember that just because 2 + 2 = 4, if doesn’t mean every child will get that. We may need to show that here are two apples and here are two more apples how many apples do we have when we put them together. Let’s try and show all the ways for our children to learn within one lesson. Imagine a world where children feel safe, enjoy being a child, and are learning because we are working hard and going down every avenue to teach them.

Yes this is why I have written this. I think I have answered my own questions. The public school system needs an overhaul. We need to start holding all of us accountable, we need to understand that children are children not miniature adults. We need to understand and celebrate that not everyone learns the same way. We need to enjoy the athletes that made the team and find another avenue for the athletes that didn’t make the team. We need to embrace the “problem child” and see his/her potential and help them see that potential that we see. We need to celebrate those children who are gifted and talented perhaps they will find the cure for cancer. Better yet they find the cure for cancer because their best friend the “problem child” helped them to look at the scientific equation in a different way.

Most importantly we need to take the schools back the “Separate and secret society of the school” must be dismantled. We as the public must demand that the schools are not “owned or ruled” by the “Separate and secret society” rather that the schools are held accountable to the public. Any and all incidents must be written up be it a student or staff member. Just as a student can be suspended or expel, so must be true for all staff members. These simply rules can happen.

Let’s get back to educating everyone from the talent and gifted to the student who hates school.

The only way that I can end this little essay of mine is with the following”

Imagine a bright future for all the children because we finally stood up and took our schools back.

Imagine something as simple as letting children be children, and caring and helping all of the children something as beautiful as the cure for cancer is achievable.

“Imagine all the people, living life in peace… You may say I’m a dreamer, But I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will be as one”….. John Lennon

Imagine the possibilities, Imagine us as a society living by the old saying “it takes a whole village to raise a child” Just imagine if we as a society stand up and say no more!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The good example for today.

How many of us have had good teachers. Teachers that helped us. Some of these teachers are the reason why people have choosen to become teachers.

I have been withness to these types of teachers. Teacher's who have seen the potential in students. Teacher's who cared, and who stood up for students.

Without this type of teacher our public schools would be lost.

Senior year in most cases it's the English teacher who helps the students with their college essays. These teachers help the students to put their idea's down on paper, edit them and then re-edit. The English teacher is reading all of these essays and looking at each student as an individual. They then let the students know they can now send those essay's to the college.

Sound simple doesn't it. It is hard work. It is rewarding.

Too me this is an example of it takes a whole village to raise a child. We all need each other. We all need and should be helping and looking out for each other.

Too all of the English teachers that have cared, help and saw the potential in a student THANK YOU.

For those who have not had this type of English teacher. Stand up and make a change. Write about it here. Leave a message, Let's get everyone on board.

Friday, October 29, 2010

"The “Separate and secret society of the school”.

I am writing these post in hopes that we as a society can help change our public school system. I am looking for your help. Please share your stories.

It appears that many schools have their own rules, regulations and standards. Upper management believes that they own and run the schools. What they say “RULES”. They will sweep many important issues under the rug, they will hide inefficient teachers, and they pick and choose which state laws they will follow. Yet all the while presenting that because of their hard work, dedication and caring our schools are the tops. You believe that your principal cares for the students. You believe that any concerns you have will be addressed and a solution will be had. You believe that your principal, superintendent are following all state guidelines, you believe that indeed schools today want parent participation and input. You have faith in your school leaders. If you are lucky enough to never have had a problem/issue with your child with school, a teacher, a coach, or another student then you never knew or have never experienced the “Separate and secret society of the school”.

If you have had the unfortunate situation of having an “unruly child” a “child with a learning disability”, a “gifted athlete” who the coach has thrown under the bus”, a “child who doesn’t like school”, or a child “who is bullied” or the “bully”, a “gay” child or a child who is just “different” than you know of the “Separate and secret society of the school”. You know the feeling of reaching out asking for help and guidance and believing that your Principal, staff members, and superintendent are all working together to help you and your child solve any issues.

You leave that meeting with hope and joy. Hope that any and all suffering that your child has experienced is over, Joy that finally you see the light at the end of the tunnel, your child will be heard, they will be getting help and indeed your school is one of the best schools. After all your school has resources, your school has been rated near the top if not at the top. You’ve sacrificed, and worked hard so that your children would be able to attend a good school. You’ve done the “PTA thing”, you’ve volunteered at the school, you’ve worked the snack stand, you’ve done the fund raisers, you’ve chaperoned school functions.

You get home and within a day sometimes a week you realize you’ve been “had”, you’ve been made a fool of. You’ve been lied to. Nothing you said in any meetings has been documented. You said that you wanted to make a complaint; you said you wanted the situation looked into etc etc etc. The school neglected to tell you that you can talk to you are blue in the face, they never gave you the paperwork you needed to actually have a proper complaint filed. Besides it wouldn’t look good for the school to have complaints in teacher’s files. No of course that’s not want the school says, but believe me that’s what happens.

Can you relate to this senario? Do you agree? Share with me your opinions.